Saturday, January 27, 2007

My dark colour scheme for VIM.

This is my dark colour scheme for VIM, which is based on rdark colour scheme. I have done some colour changes to

  1. highlight current line,
  2. type,
  3. special words
  4. and keywords.

Download colour scheme

Happy Vimming!

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Slippery Snippets for VIM. HOT!

Slippery Snippets brings the HOT HOT feature of TextMate to VIM. Define you snippet in snippets file and use the snippets with a single <TAB> key. And it also allows you to navigate to the fill up areas in the snippet using the same <TAB> key.

Just download the VIMBALL file and load it in VIM. Then use the sourcing command to extract it.

:so %

The content will be extracted to appropriate locations in the VIM's directory. Now, open a C++ source file and type "do"; then hit the
<TAB> key.

{ Note: Snippet files can be found at "vim/vimfiles/after/ftplugin". Refer the snippets files for creating your own snippets.}

Enjoy the Snippets!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

CrimsonEditor's opensourced and EmeraldEditor born

CrimsonEditor is a very clean, simple and lightweight editor for windows. And for a very long time there was no development. But now a team has come up with an idea to build cross platform editor using wxWindows and they call it EmeraldEditor.

I don't think i would be as light as Crimson, because WxWidgets is a huge and heavy library and makes the application a bit bloated.

Lets wait and check it out.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

TextMate like editor for Windows

TextMate has created a big impression in the minds of programmers, especially ROR developers. It seems that TextMate provides a very elegant look plus a number of features that makes development faster and cleaner.

Intype is a new programmers editor coming up with similar features for windows. The team has released an Alpha version of the editor.

It looks good, but some of the basic functionalities are not working for e.g undo is not implemented.