Sunday, January 14, 2007

Slippery Snippets for VIM. HOT!

Slippery Snippets brings the HOT HOT feature of TextMate to VIM. Define you snippet in snippets file and use the snippets with a single <TAB> key. And it also allows you to navigate to the fill up areas in the snippet using the same <TAB> key.

Just download the VIMBALL file and load it in VIM. Then use the sourcing command to extract it.

:so %

The content will be extracted to appropriate locations in the VIM's directory. Now, open a C++ source file and type "do"; then hit the
<TAB> key.

{ Note: Snippet files can be found at "vim/vimfiles/after/ftplugin". Refer the snippets files for creating your own snippets.}

Enjoy the Snippets!

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