Friday, October 27, 2006

A bunch of editors - good ones

I have been searching for text editors and looking out for new ones too. So far i have tried more than 60-70 editors from .
Emacs and VIM are mostly used by computer geeks who like using multi-key shortcuts. But i would say VIM is light as any other text editor and powerful equal to an IDE with its autocompletion and other stuffs in version 7.0.
Emacs is a bit difficult to configure but people say its one of the best development environments if u pass the steep learning curve. You also have an improved version of it called XEmacs

If you are a simple person like me who wants simple shortcuts and menus, plus if u need all the features that are available in a commercial editor like TextPad or EditPlus, then you must try PSPad. If you want the power of VIM and still want the easy shortcuts and windows like editor, then go for Cream for Vim.

There are a few editors which are very light using very less of your memory and still provide most of the features u will require. Notepad++ ,SCITE, notepad2, AnyEdit, Context are few editors of that category.

And there are some editors supporting glaze skins and feel, like RJTextEd. Also there is an awesome editor called JEdit, which is a JFC/Swing based editor and has numerous plugins to make it a perfect IDE.

There are more like these which i don't remember always and so i have not commented on those.


Anonymous said...

I use only Notepad++. It's a very good editor.

Indian Lycan said...

ok i've used that too and i know that its very light and neat one.
Try PSPad which has got more features than NPP. May be u'll like it too.